Service to our Community

My wife Kim and I moved to Cheverly in 2002 and we’ve raised two sons here. I’ve served our Town for over 12 years on the Town Council and in a dozen different volunteer roles! I’m running for Mayor because we still have work to do to make Cheverly the Town that drew us all here – a safe, healthy, walkable community where neighbors know each other and look out for each other.

A native Marylander, I work for the federal government and have previously worked for a County Council Member in Upper Marlboro and a State Delegate in Annapolis. As a former president and board member of our County municipal association, I understand how to leverage our Federal, State, and County partners to improve Cheverly and get you the services that you need. In Town, I’m a long-time leader in our Boy Scout Troop, I’m an officer in our Sons of the American Legion squadron, and I’m a past co-chair of Cheverly Day and Spellman PTA board member.